Credit Card Fraud & Identity Theft

Under federal law, anyone knowingly in possession of a fraudulent credit card or P.I.I (Personal Identifying Information) can be found guilty of fraud or identity theft.  Having an experienced Miami criminal defense attorney on your side to provide a heavy-duty defense is vital to getting the best results.  Get the Prieto Law Firm on your side to provide a vigorous defense for you.

Banks and other financial institutions lose millions of dollars each year stemming from fraudulent credit card activity.  Federal prosecutors will also regularly charge conspiracy in addition to fraud trying to prosecute anybody who they can, no matter how insignificant a role the person may have played in an overall criminal scheme.  

New federal guidelines require a two-year consecutive sentence for many fraud related offenses what we call “1028 Big A” where it can be proven that the crime involved identity theft.  These stiff penalties are applicable to persons with even zero criminal history!  Call the Prieto Law Firm for a free consultation to get an experienced attorney working for you.

Contact the Prieto Law Firm Today!

If you or somebody you know is being investigated or has been charged (either by the State, or United States) for any crime based on our areas of practice, contact the Prieto Law Firm in Florida or across the United States.  Mr. Prieto is licensed to practice in all Florida State Court’s and all Federal Courts. 

Getting an aggressive attorney on your side early on can make the difference in your ability to confront these charges and have a positive outcome.  Whether it is a dismissal of charges, charges never being filed, early plea negotiations, or going the distance and exercising your Constitutional right to a trial, Frank Prieto, Esq. is behind you every step of the way to guide you through the process and protect your rights.

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305-577-3440 & 305-577-3970



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